Monday, June 28, 2010

7/17 聚餐與Wii遊戲 Will Game Night and Potluck! :D


今年夏天真是熱啊!看來夏季要以室內活動為主囉! 接下來的七月活動,我們將在十七日下午舉行聚餐與Wii遊戲比賽,大家聚在一起分享美食之後,我們一起來玩Wii遊戲,看看第一屆的Wii比賽將由誰奪冠。若是要參加比賽請來信報名,我們將以年齡層分組,比賽的項目為Wii Sport 網球(Training all 3 levels)與保齡球,有志奪冠的人可以事先在家裡練習。:-)

日期與時間:7/17 4:30-8:00pm
活動地點:TCBC Multi-purpose Building
活動內容:4:30-5:00 暖身時間
5:00 - 6:30 晚餐 (請大家帶一道四人份量的拿手好菜來分享)
6:30-8:00 Wii Game (家裡有Wii的歡迎自備遙控器)


Hello everyone,

For the upcoming event to be held on July 17th, we will play Wii Game and enjoy a Potluck dinner together. This will be our first Wii game and we are excited to see who will be the first Champion. :-) Anyone who is interested joining us, please sign up through email ( For your information, we will be completing on Wii Sport- Tennis all three training levels and Bowling. With enough people we will divide into groups for championship! :-) We hope you will bring your family to join us. :-)

Listed below are details of this event--

Date and Time: Saturday of July 17th from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: TCBC Multi-purpose building
Activities: we will start with 30 minutes warm-up, followed by Potluck dinner (5:00-6:30pm), then Wii Game will start from 6:30 and end at 8:00. Please bring your famous dish to join us and bring your controller if you like.

For any question, please email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. :-)

